
Her Morning Elegance

Made by Oren Lavie.
Oh my, I'm totally mad at stop motion right now! It's like my wildest dream to be true!
Somehow stop motion always look natural even though there are so many impossible
things that the actor can do in normal life.
I really love the part when the woman running and looking sad through the window.
Love the music a lot!

P.S: Or maybe you'll also love this one, haha!


I Illustrated at Illustration Class

This was my first project at illustration class. The lecturer wanted us to draw five animals and five humans with their personalities. These were the best 3 picture that I made. I still need many times for practice.

And these four pictures was my assignment to made 8 interactions between human, animals, and environment. And yes, my skill is still not good enough... Hehe... But I'll keep it up. So, just wait for more :D

P. S: Don't u think the 3rd interaction is too stupid? Haha, I'm lacking for ideas... :p

Deadline with Post It!

I found this awesome video when I typed 'stop motion'. It's really inspiring. Enjoy!


Things In Your Hand

In mine, in mom's, in sister's. It's really a rare time to shop a lot like this.

In Jerry's Room

Jerry Aurum is a young talented photographer in Indonesia. He just showed his skills on a canvas that already printed by his photo. A hundred artist became the main object in their bedroom as the background. It's really unusual and smart concept for an exhibition!

I was there... At Senayan City auditorium.

Looks like I adore him so much, haha...

Thanks to Agus Prayogo and Rendy Yonathan for captured me :D

Back to the Past

Found this unique clock at a board games store. It just popped out to my sight than the other shiny cards in that room. I just though that I was in the middle of crowded train station at 1950s. Wondering that this clock had been seen many things from the past and became a part of history.