
Flash Back

It is few minutes after the last day of 2012 here in Indonesia. Happy New Year for every creature in the earth! May us growing together to become better and never lose hope. 2012 was an unforgettable year for me, many new things and many things change. So I want to share some of them here...

First Things

1. I spent my first five months this year to make an illustrated book for the thesis.
2. After four years since my first attempt to ride a car, this year I finally make it real.... So, hello everybody on the street! Also, I can ride a bicycle now! I made it after all these time and my mother is the one that taught me. (I'm an adult that lack of childhood experience)
3. First live rocking session ever! And L'Arc~en~Ciel never failed to make me vibrant!
4. First time I really teach something in front of the class.

Most Epic Birthday Bash

I write about it here :)

Trying to Get Some Money

I manage to live everyday with my own money, it's great. This experience makes you learn how to appreciate money an how hard the real life is. But, if you could pass your first month and still have some left in your pocket, it feels like having a big victory!

Manage Something

My friend and I are decorating! We are learning about design in our past four years and never really know about managing business. But the passion is burning so it worth a try :D

Forgiving, Letting Go, Accepting

Starting something is easy but not when you dealing with it, especially with love. There's no rule about right or wrong and there's no exact time to tell you when to start or to end it up. One thing that I learn this year about love, don't loose yourself. If many people say that love is two become one, it's not. Every people must become the person that they want to be. When in a relationship, those two people must embrace each other to be who they want to be, to reach their dreams, to grow together. When one only give and the other only take, it won't go long. And... never lose hope, because hope is every where around you. You just not really notice it :)


It feels really good when finish something that you start and you become a better person. Knowledge will make you rich and wise. But knowledge is not only things that you learn at school, because lesson is always around you, and it's your choice to learn or not from it.

And I'm really happy to start posting again in this page!!! I made it! As least one post in a month! Thank you for everybody that read something in this blog (both for particular reason or not) I wish that you can get something from it... :D

Happy New Year!!!!


  1. great article :D
    so glad that you had a lot of good memories in 2012 , Happy New Year!

  2. vector di shutterstocknya bagus-bagus banget ci. btw selamat ya uda di wisuda :)

  3. Thank you, JAL. Terus berkarya! :D
    Thank you, Swapi :p Hayo, semangat biar cepet nyusul, hehe...
